Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top Market for 2010? Cleveland.

When is inflation a good thing? When you're talking about the value of a home. And set out to find their top 25 inflating markets for 2010. The top 4 markets were in Ohio, with Cleveland taking the #1 spot. Check it out here.

Why Ohio and Cleveland? They chalk it up to an over-correction. Prices got so low that the only way to go is up. Cleveland is still a "relevant" city with a functional economy that is beginning to replace their 19th century industry with 21st century technology. There are solid neighborhoods, a nice downtown, sports and theater...all the things that a real, relevant city has to offer. The perception that most have has also set back their real estate and is another reason why prices became so depressed. Like, I believe the Cleveland real estate market is ready for a nice rebound.

If you're looking for a market that is at or near it's bottom, Cleveland is a good place to start.

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