The most unfortunate consequence of the current recession is the incredible loss of jobs. Since it began in December 2007, 5.1 million jobs have been lost, with almost two-thirds (3.3 million) of the decrease occurring in the last 5 months. While having to look for a new job means making a lot of hard decisions, what to do with your existing 401k should not be one them.
If your entire retirement portfolio has been invested in the stock market, now's the time to make a change...for the better. Roll your 401k from your previous employer to a self directed IRA. A 401k to IRA rollover is very easy to accomplish and will allow you to finally diversify your retirement savings account. Here's why:
- True Diversification: When your portfolio is diversified, it can provide consistent performance in a range of economic conditions. The only way to truly diversify your retirement portfolio is with a self directed retirement account.
- More Investment Choices: A self directed IRA works like your current 401k with one major difference. You're allowed to invest in anything that is legal by the letter of the law and not limited to the investments that your current custodian profits from.
- Real Estate Is Proven: A self directed IRA allows you to use tax-sheltered dollars to purchase real estate with no withdrawal penalties. Once converted, you can own a range of real estate investments including commercial, multi-family, raw land, trust deeds and tax liens.
- Gain Control: With a retirement portfolio purely invested into mutual funds, control lies in the hands of those that manage it. How have they been doing? Not well. Check out this story from the Chicago Tribune and read how Congress is finally calling these guys out to the mat. You and you alone should be responsible for your retirement. Don't leave it in the hands of someone you don't know.
- Comprehensive Retirement Planning: Retirement planning should be a comprehensive approach covering the financial planning process including insurance planning, investment planning, tax planning, planning for college, employee benefits, and estate planning, as well as retirement planning. If you've ever reached out to your current Wall Street custodian and asked for guidance, they probably only offered advice on the products they sold. With a self directed IRA, you can get comprehensive advice from a qualified Certified Financial Planner.
- Beneficiary Advantages: Named beneficiaries of an IRA other than a spouse (like your children or grandchildren) have tax advantages not available with 401k plans. Named beneficiaries of an IRA are able to stretch the required distribution over their life expectancy deferring income tax and allowing funds to continue to compound exponentially. Beneficiaries of 401ks do not have this option.
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