An entire generation's retirement dreams have been wrecked due to their blind faith in the stock market. And why wouldn't they? Brilliant marketing campaigns convinced them equities were the best way to grow their retirement accounts. Then the retirement accounts themselves (IRA's and 401k's) were structured so stocks and mutual funds were the ONLY investments allowed. Starting in the '80s, TRILLIONS of post-pension dollars were pumped into the market via mutual funds and IPO, tech-stock mania. The market responded with the best 15 year run in it's history averaging 17% year-over-year growth. A generation was hooked, line and sinker.
But then the tech bubble emphatically popped losing 35% in early 1999. That was followed 8 years later by last year's 43% clubbing. Will the market recover? Probably, but to what extent?
What if the next generation learns from their parent's and peer's financial decisions and become more savvy to the pitfalls of stock market investing? What if they start building diversified retirement plans that aren't predominantly invested in the market? What if trillions of dollars are permanently moved out of the market and invested in commodities, real estate, cash or other investments? Warren Buffet predicts the growth that happened towards the end of the 20th century was the heyday of Wall Street and the chances of a repeat performance are slim.
I believe our current unregulated, falsely reported, hedged and ponzi schemed system has permanently soiled Wall Street's reputation for an entire generation. I'm sure one on them. Without the mass capital, hidden fees and blind faith necessary to build their financial house of cards, Wall Street will have a tough time reproducing last century's results.
Do yourself a favor NOW and begin building a better retirement portfolio. Don't rely on the stock market to be the sole provider of your retirement dreams. True diversification is possible through self directed retirement accounts that allow you to spread your risk over multiple investment classes. And more importantly, they can prevent your retirement from being wiped out or delayed by an unexpected bear.
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