As I speak with folks about investing in real estate using their IRAs, I hear one common concern, “I love the idea of self-directing my retirement money and investing in real estate but I just don’t have the time to do it.”
We understand and appreciate this sentiment which is one of the main reasons we started Freedom Growth. Americans are extremely busy and have little time left over after family and work commitments to plan for their retirements. It’s true that self-directing a retirement portfolio does requires some time and effort but it’s not nearly as much as you might think.
Real estate investors short on time have access to a free source of information, research, and advice. These are the services provided by your real estate broker. Real estate brokers representing investors as buyers are typically paid by the seller so they don't charge you a dime. It’s important to contact a broker who specializes in IRA real estate investing and tell him or her what results you’re looking for. If the broker does not already know of specific real estate investments that fit your needs, he or she can probably find one or more that do. This means you initially spend 20 – 30 minutes with a broker discussing your situation and needs.
The broker then finds opportunities that you might like and presents them in a clear, concise way. With real estate investing, the focus is not on how cute the property is, but on hard numbers, especially the ROI (return on investment). Your broker probably has opportunities for you but he or she might also need to find others which might take a few days or weeks. Ideally, your broker presents you a comparison of the various opportunities allowing you to quickly and easily make a decision. Done properly, this only takes a few hours of your time.
Now it’s time to make the investment. Documents are drawn and signed. In a matter of days (sometimes weeks,) the deal closes and the IRA now owns a real estate asset. You have diversified your retirement savings and paid nothing for the services provided by your broker. I challenge anyone to find a better deal.
So don't let time be an obstacle to building a better retirement plan. An IRA real estate specialist will gladly minimize your time involvement and give you great real estate investment advice...for free!
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